In this topic, you will learn every rules of UPRUPR Important Rules[Always respect Administrators and Moderators, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 5 days ban and will start a new character]
[Do not spam, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 2 days ban]
[Type Correctly, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Muted for 2 days]
[Do not triple post, Double post is allowed, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Muted for 2 days]
[Do not PM Admins or Mods unnecessary messages, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Muted for 4 days and start a new character]
[Be friendly to every users, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 1 day mute]
[Do not spam emoticons, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 1 day mute]
[Do not post to UPR World when your character application is not yet approved, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Post will be deleted]
UPR Introductions/Farewells[If you have introduced yourself, do not make new topic, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 1 day ban]
[Do not spam, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 2 days ban]
[Type Correctly, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Muted for 2 days]
[Do not triple post, Double post is allowed, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Muted for 2 days]
[Be friendly to every users, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 1 day mute]
[Do not spam emoticons, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 1 day mute]
UPR Character Sign-Up[Only one character is allowed, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Start a new character]
[Do not post to UPR World when your character application is not yet approved, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Post will be deleted]
[Follow the Application form, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Topic will be deleted]
[Be friendly to every users, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 1 day mute]
[Do not spam emoticons, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 1 day mute]
[Do not spam, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 2 days ban]
[Type Correctly, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Muted for 2 days]
[Do not triple post, Double post is allowed, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Muted for 2 days]
UPR Character Stats[Any sprites can be used]
[Your stat will only be changed when an Admin or mod tells you so, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Start a new character]
[Make sure to put your character stats on your sig!, IF NOT FOLLOWED = PMed by Admin.]
UPR Cardmarket[You can only have the item/pokécard if an admin or mod or duel royale accepts it]
[Admins and Moderators can also have their own shops]
[You can only have the card when the user bought it, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 3 day ban]
[You need to use the cards for your profile, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 4 day ban]
[If you don't have anything to sell to your shop it will be closed, PM Admins or Mods to open it when you have something to sell]
[Be friendly to every users, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 1 day mute]
[Do not spam emoticons, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 1 day mute]
[Do not spam, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 2 days ban]
[Type Correctly, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Muted for 2 days]
[Do not triple post, Double post is allowed, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Muted for 2 days]
UPR Duel Grounds[Only Duel Royales are allowed to dictate the battle results after users moves, ordinary players can't dictate battles, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 5 day ban]
[Make the game more exciting by putting some emotions to your post]
[Be friendly to every users, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 1 day mute]
[Do not spam emoticons, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 1 day mute]
[Do not spam, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 2 days ban]
[Type Correctly, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Muted for 2 days]
[Do not triple post, Double post is allowed, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Muted for 2 days]
[Only the two duelers and the Duel Royale can only post in the topic]
[Abnormality Status will be removed after 3 turns]
UPR Gym Battles[Respect Gym Leaders, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 1 day ban]
[Abnormality Status will be removed after 3 turns]
[Upto 6 PokéCards can be used]
URP RP Topics[Users can't make topics here]
[No Godmodding, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 10 day ban!!]
[Be friendly to every users, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 1 day mute]
[Do not spam emoticons, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 1 day mute]
[Do not spam, IF NOT FOLLOWED = 2 days ban]
[Type Correctly, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Muted for 2 days]
[Do not triple post, Double post is allowed, IF NOT FOLLOWED = Muted for 2 days]
[If you quitted the RP you will not get any Pokécards]